
XPLORATION is the name for our youth group, which serves students from 7th grade through 12th grade. XPLORATION fellowship meeting is currently in-person, Saturday evening, twice per month. Please contact us for more details.

We believe …

… that our faith is not assumed, not forced, and not to be taken for granted. Instead, we challenge each youth member to explore the Bible themselves, get to know God at a personal level, and have their very own confession of faith.

… in the power of relationships, between teenagers, and between parents, and that the best way to grow in Christ is with a community of brothers and sisters who can walk together, encouraging each other to love Jesus and live for Him, even though each individual may have a different journey.

… that life should not only be about work and studying, but also not just following the social crowds. Instead we promote healthy interactions, enriching activities, friendships that extend beyond the church building, and also assist those who would like to connect with local parachurch organizations such as Asian Young Life, Harvesters, and Intervarsity.


-To attend and participate in as many fellowship activities as possible

-For Sundays:

•To worship together with our adults group, Covenant Fellowship, together forming the English congregation of EBCC.

•To stay in the EBCC building for the duration of the service (10:00 AM - 12:15 PM) and not exit early nor wander around the hallways

•To welcome each other an speak encouraging words, refraining from horse play or harsh talk

•To bring their own copy of the Bible, and put away electronic devices during service