Our congregation returned to in-person Sunday services, with 100% attendance permitted, on August 8, 2021 (no more Zoom audio recordings)
Since then, the Sunday messages can be found AT THIS LINK
NOTE - All audio files of sermons dated between March 2020 and July 2021 are audio recording of services that were given remotely (online via ZOOM) - click HERE for sermons during/after the COVID lockdown period
Past Sermons:
It’s a well known book of the Bible with arguably the most famous verse in its third chapter. New believers often read the Gospel of John as their introduction to Scripture, but is this book only for beginners and the elementary level, or is there so much more to the character and nature of Jesus revealed in the text
One basic tenet of the Christian faith is the God is love. Everyone is drawn by the love of God and what that has to offer in contrast to love as defined by the world, but in turn, what does that mean for our relationships with others here on earth, and what does godly love really look like?
Many of us have gone to church for most of our lives, bu do we really understand its history, its purpose, or its calling? Like why do we do Holy Communion anyhow, and what kind of people are we supposed to reach? In this series Pastor Ken explains the background and functions of some common topics and find that there is more than what we initially thought
How will God make His Kingdom known and felt throughout the world? Will it be with vast miracles and spectacles? Will it be with dazzling celestial displays in the sky? Pastor Ken examines the earthly ministry of Jesus and shows how it the Amazing Gospel message is still be spread in the same manner today, through the hearts of his followers and the God-given abilities found among our human race.
Good Teacher, Great Prophet, Loving Healer, Friend of Sinner, Son of God? We have heard of at least some of these title and descriptions of Jesus before, but Pastor Ken will explain how he is this and so much more
Contains other sermons not from any particular series by Pastor Ken, and various others, including visiting/guest Pastors and other church leaders.
End times, Armageddon, The Four Horsemen, The Seven Churches, The Beast--these are the terms and images conjured up just by the mention of the Book of Revelation. But what do all those symbols and images actually mean, and how do we use these Scriptures to grow in our walks with Jesus and learn more about God?
Are you satisfied with just being the same old Christian year after year? Or do you want to grow and learn more about how to be a better follower of Christ? Are you pretty much the same as when you first learned of The Faith? Or do you want to take that original fire you had and fan it to the max? Discipleship is the act of maturing as a believer and having your faith fostered. There are many ways of accomplishing this, so be sure to check us out weekly for Pastor Ken's advice and encouragement on how to get this done!
It is easy to think that the Christian life is this perfect picture of smooth sailing and sunny days where everything falls into place and there is never any conflict. But this is far from the truth - in fact, the Bible paints a very different picture, where some of the most devout and Godly followers had struggles, suffered greatly, questioned God, and went through physical and spiritual battles.