
UPDATE - February 9, 2025 - due to snowy weather we will begin service at 11:00 AM today. Details are:

Chinese Sunday school A canceled ; Starlight Cancelled ; English sermon cancelled

11:00 AM corporate worship as normal (musicians and leaders can arrive around 10:15 AM)

11:35 AM English Sunday school for children, young adults, and youth

11:35 AM Chinese sermon

12:30 PM - NO LUNCH, but people can stay for discussions / meetings as needed.

POSTED - February 5, 2023 - The Church Reopening committee has officially been dissolved. Hence all former COVID-related restrictions and regulations are hereby removed. We hope all brothers and sisters will attend regularly for all our in-person services, events, and activities.

POSTED - March 20, 2022 - There will no longer be temperature checks and sign-ins at the door. Facemasks will still be strongly recommended while indoors, except when eating/drinking, and except for speakers/singers on stage. Sunday catered lunch will continue. These other regulations remain:

•If you feel sick / have any symptoms on the day of service, please do not attend

•If you test positive for COVID, please do not attend until after a 5-day waiting period

POSTED - January 16, 2022 - Here is an update of our COVID rules for attending services at EBCC:

•If you feel sick / have any symptoms, please do not attend service.

•If you test positive for COVID, please do not attend until after a 10-day waiting period

•If you are exposed to a positive case, but you yourself are negative, then you may attend after a 5-day waiting period.

•Please wear a facemask during service and stay distanced if possible during service.

POSTED - January 9, 2022 - Sunday morning service is back at the regular in-person at 829 Windsor (Columbus building). Those who need to stay at home due to illness/isolation/quarantine may still have remote access via Zoom - Click HERE for access at 10:30 AM. We also ask any additional members with a positive COVID test to notify Sam Ye (

POSTED - December 29, 2021 - Due to multiple potential COVID cases among members, service last week and this week (12/26 & 1/2) will be done remotely using ZOOM.

POSTED October 6, 2021 - Out of an abundance of caution, our church services will all be REMOTE this upcoming Sunday (10/10). We will follow our normal schedule, but services and classes will not be held in person. Please check our website, or contact your fellowship leader for Zoom/Youtube access links. Our Re-opening committee will evaluate this period, see if any new cases develop, and then decide how to proceed next.

POSTED July 11, 2021 - The EBCC Deacons and re-opening committee has decided that the English Sunday morning service (in the Columbus Building) will also return and be allowed to resume at full capacity with the target date of August 8th. The time schedule will remain the same, and a Zoom remote option will still be available for now, but the plan is to eventually remove that too. Certain precautions will still remain in place while in-person, such as wear facemasks, temperature checks, and a sign-in sheet to keep track of those who self-report to feel ill.

POSTED June 20, 2021 - The EBCC re-opening committee has decided the church building can fully re-open on June 27. Whether specific classes, groups, or ministries will be meeting will be up to the discretion of the Deacon or co-worker in charge. The percentage capacity limit will be lifted, but we will still keep precautions such as temperature checks, facemasks, and people self-reporting if they are sick. The weekly cleaning is also being expanded as the building uses more rooms/floors. At this time the English Sunday service will still be meeting on Zoom until the next update, but fellowship groups are scheduling in-person gatherings. Please check this page often for the next announcement.

POSTED May 16, 2021 - To allow for more parents to join the now in-person Sunday services, the children’s Sunday school will also gradually reopen, concurrent with the Chinese adult service. Therefore, one class, for any child between 1st and 6th grade, will take place at 10:30 AM on the third floor of EBCC. On a similar note, fellowship groups are also permitted to have small gatherings at home, parks, as they see fit. Outdoor activities, such as hikes, are also encouraged.

POSTED March 7, 2021 - Church leadership has decided to start allowing small in-person gatherings at the EBCC building, and therefore will be having some official events in April. Baptism ceremonies will take place on Saturday mornings, and Sunday services will be streamed from the building with a minimal crew of co-workers and staff. ALL OTHER members, guests, and meetings will still join and take place online via ZOOM and Youtube streaming. Please continue to check THIS LINK for access.

POSTED August 16, 2020: - since many schools are also not opening yet, NEITHER will our church building meeting. Please stay in touch with your leaders for more information and to stay updated (information below)

POSTED March 1, 2020: After careful consideration, the Church Council of EBCC has decided to suspend all large-group meetings effective March 8, 2020. Therefore, Sunday services and Friday Bible studies, and other small groups, are canceled until further notice. In light of recent events, and decisions from other organizations to suspend similar gatherings, this consensus was made even though the health risk is still somewhat low and daily activities, such as school and work, still continue. The key factors taken into account were:

[1] Given the population of our congregation, there is a higher probability of first or second-degree contact with friends/visitors with unknown international travel history in recent months.
[2] Given the high percentage of senior citizens and elderly among our members, who seem to be the most susceptible, there is a higher chance of a more severe impact.
[3] Since the Chinese and English ministries overlap and are closely connected, both groups will act together with whatever changes are made

We know many of you are anxious to meet in person again, but as many are still avoiding large crowds, we will also continue to only hold services online via ZOOM (community groups and Bible studies will also be via ZOOM). We encourage all brothers and sisters to continue to minister to one another through personal measures, such as calling, seeing a friend at a local park, checking up on the elderly even if just to drop off a meal or say hello from outside.

Gloria Wu (questions about youth or women's group)-
Jackson Wan (questions about family group)-
Sharon Chen (questions about young adults)-
Mike Shum (questions about website)-